Friday, May 22, 2009

And we're off!

Here is a re-cap of our meeting last night (and a few additions that have been rattling around my brain since then):

The small details of our work this summer will revolve around these overarching questions and aims:

1) What do we want to make art about and how can the creative ideas of other people become a part of our own work?

another way of saying it could be: Synthesis of reference and inspiration for personal visual statements. Exploration of the purposes of visual communication and what that means to us as artists.

2) What kinds of materials are out there and what can we do with them?

or, in other words: let's be as creative as possible with our materials and push our own ideas about what art is.

3) How can we improve our technical skills?

A few of the things we want to try/do include:
1. making paper
2. batik
3. Book arts
4. painting and stretching canvas
5. getting ideas from print magazine
6. comics
7. various drawing materials
8. field trips to look at and make art
9. Look at the work of other artists

This blog will serve as:

1) a record of our work
2) a way or filing and sharing artists and inspiration
3) reflecting on processes and experiences

The next few meetings will include these activities:
1. making paper
2. putting together a simple book for drawings
3. determining a method of recording Emma's trip to Costa Rica (another simple book? blog? journal?)

I think we are off to a great start. Feel free to let me know if anything I've written doesn't sound right or you think it needs some changes!

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